Wordpress Scrollto Menu

Thumbnail Wordpress ScrollTo Menu
12.99 USD
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Create a ScrollTo Menu to allow the user to scroll to any part of your page easily. Over 750 icons to choose from or use your...

Smart Security Tools

Thumbnail Smart Security Tools
12.99 USD
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Smart Security Tools is a powerful plugin for improving security of your WordPress powered website. Plugin contains collection of tweaks and tools for extra security protection...

Blue Press - Wordpress Admin Theme

Thumbnail Blue Press - WordPress Admin Theme
7.99 USD
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A social style theme for Admin page with the new context sensitive menu and toolbar, wonderful look and feel. New icon and blue style maybe suitable...

Smart Seo - Wordpress Plugin

Thumbnail smart SEO - Wordpress Plugin
9.99 USD
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The easiest way to optimize your wordpress website for search engines! Settings Here you have: Autocheck current post Autocheck timing in seconds Title separator (default ) Seo title...